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Now downloading free:Agilent HP 5065A Manual

Agilent HP 5065A Manual free download

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N&oy I--j-y- PACkiARD RUBIDIUM VAPOR FREQUENCY STANDARD 5065A SERIAL PREFIX: 1909A This manual applies directly to tlP Model 5065A Rubidium Vapor Frequency Standards having serial prefix 1908A. OLDER INSTRUMENTS Changes required to backdate this manual for older in- struments Bra in Section VII. OPTIONS For instruments having Options 001,002, or 003, refer to Sections Ill through VII. Cooyright HEWLETVACKARD 1979 530, STEVENS CREEK BLVD., SANTA CLARA, CALIF. 95050 MBmml Pad NO. 05065-9041 MiCrollChe Part No. 05065-9942 Prlnted: NOV 1979 HEWLETT PAC:KARD COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER NOTICE Copyright - Agilent Technologies, Inc. Reproduced with the permission of Agilent Technologies Inc. Agilent Technologies, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Agilent Technologies, Inc. is not liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material or data. MANUAL CONTENTS This manual is supplied to help you make best use of you< instrument. The manual covers eight sections of infocmation as follows: Section I is an introduction to the Instrument. Elec- trical specifications and accessories information is given. Section II covers inspections. power. mounting. pack- ing, shipping, and connection. Section III outlinesoperating procedures. Section IV discusses technical operations. Section V contrains disassembly and repair procedures and an in-cabinet performance check. Section VI lists replaceable parts. Section VII gives options and manual changes information. Section VIII contains circuit diagrams, component locators

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